Archives for the month of: December, 2013

QUANTUM will be performed in  ANNECY  Tuesday, January 14 at 20h30  at Theater Bonlieu Scène nationale / Haras( 45 minutes from CERN by car).

The show will be followed by a talk with Gilles and CERN physicists Michael Doser and Nicolas Chanon around the creative process of QUANTUM.
QUANTUM is also a collaboration with fellow resident Julius von Bismarck, and his fabulous installation is producing all of the light to the piece! And las but not least, Carla Scaletti’s musical score is made or of some of LHC real data…  The performance in Annecy will be the theatrical version quite  different from the CMS version we did at the open days! Come and see!


Gilles Jobin premiered QUANTUM, a new piece for six dancers inspired by his Collide@CERN-Geneva residency at CERN in the CMS Experiment building from September 23rd to 29th as part of the program of Théatre Forum Meyrin.

This piece involves collaborative work with German artist Julius von Bismarck, Ars Electronica Prize Collide@CERN 2012 and also former resident in that institution. Julius von Bismarck will indeed adapt his lumino-kinetic installation Versuch Unter Kreisen for the needs of this creation. Thanks to this collaboration, QUANTUM is supported by Fondation d’entreprise Hermès in the frame of their New Settings programme for the performing arts.

The original music has been composed by Carla Scaletti and will incorporate real data from the LHC. The costumes have been created by Belgian fashion designer and visual artist Jean-Paul Lespagnard.

Choreography Gilles Jobin
Dance Catarina Barbosa, Ruth Childs, Susana Panadés Díaz, Stanislas Charre, Martin Roehrich, Denis Terrasse
Lumino-kinetic installation Julius von Bismarck
Engineer Martin Schied
Music Carla Scaletti
Costumes Jean-Paul Lespagnard
Costumes assistant Léa Capisano
Scientific advisors Michael Doser, Nicolas Chanon (CERN physicists)

Production Cie Gilles Jobin – Geneva
With the support of Fondation d’entreprise Hermès / New Settings program, Loterie Romande, Fondation Meyrinoise du Casino, Fondation Leenaards, Fondation Ernst Göhner
In collaboration with Collide@CERN, Théâtre Forum Meyrin, CMS Experiment

Gilles Jobin and Julius von Bismarck have both been awarded Collide@CERN 2012 prizes
QUANTUM is developed out of the Collide@CERN artists residencies
Julius von Bismarck’s installation Versus unter Kreisen has been developed out of the Ars Electronica Collide@CERN artist residency and was exhibited for the first time at Festival Ars Electronica in Linz, Austria, in September 2012

Cie Gilles Jobin is supported by the City of Geneva, the Canton of Geneva and Pro Helvetia Swiss Arts Council Gilles Jobin is associated artist at Bonlieu Scène nationale Annecy, France